Privacy Policy

Protecting Your privacy is important to Us; We want to be open with You on how and why We use Your personal data.

General and who We are: HomeViews Platform Limited (HomeViews, We, Our or Us) is a company incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 10290376. Our registered office address is 2 Caldecotte Lake Business Park, Caldecotte Lake Drive, Milton Keynes, England, MK7 8LE . We are a subsidiary of Rightmove Group Limited.

We are the providers of the website (the Website). Our service allows users to gather information on residential developments, post opinions of the same, and permits Us to contact You with details of any responses to Your posts as further described in Our Terms of use.

This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which any personal data (meaning information about an individual from which that individual can be personally identified) We collect from You (either directly or by a third party on Our behalf), or that You or others provide to Us, will be processed by Us, is shared with others, how We keep it safe and the rights You have to access and control its use.

For the purpose of data protection laws, the data controller is HomeViews Platform Limited. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand how We handle Your personal data. By engaging with Us in the ways set out in this Privacy Policy, You confirm that You have read and understood the entirety of this Privacy Policy, as it applies to You.

References to "Users", "You", "Yourself" or "Your" is a reference to individuals using Our platforms, Website, or services.

"Rightmove" or "Rightmove Group" means Rightmove Group Limited and its subsidiary companies, whose Privacy Policy can be viewed here.

What this policy contains: This Privacy Policy describes the following important topics relating to Your personal data (click on the links to find out more):

1. Lawful basis and purposes for processing personal data2. Who We share personal data with3. Categories of personal data We collect from You4. Uses made of the personal data5. Where We store personal data6. Risks and how We keep Your personal data secure7. Period of storage8. Your rights under data protection law9. Children10. Your duty to inform Us of changes11. Links on Our Website12. Changes to Our Privacy Policy13. Contact

1. Lawful basis and purposes for processing personal data

1.1 Paragraphs 1.2 – 1.5 below explain how and why We process Your personal data, as well as the lawful bases on which rely on for carrying out this processing.

1.2 Performance of Contract: To perform a contract We have entered into with You or take steps in order to enter into contracts with You. Where You use the Website, We will process Your personal data to provide the Service to You as further described in OurTerms of use , which includes:

1.2.1 creating and administering Your HomeViews account, and to enable You to login on subsequent visits to the Website;

1.2.2 uploading and maintaining on the Website any User Content (as defined in OurTerms of use ) You submit to the Website (either as a consumer or as a business), such as reviews, responses to reviews, or questions submitted to the Website to be used in surveys;

1.2.3 where You are a business customer and You have requested it, to send You a copy of HomeViews' Insights Reports;

1.2.4 administering any promotions and competitions You enter that We may run from time to time;

1.2.5 any other processing necessary to enforce Terms of use; and

1.2.6 Our use of Your personal data in this way may include sharing Your personal data with certain third parties as set out in section 2 below. We need to process Your personal data in this way to be able to provide the Service to You at Your request. If You do not wish to provide Us with Your personal data in this way, You will be unable to create a user account and use all the full functionality of Our Website. Subject to the terms of Our Cookie policy, You will still be able to browse the Website.

1.3 Legitimate Interests: We have a legitimate business interest to process Your personal data to:

1.3.1 To make the Website better: We will process Your personal data in order to provide You with a more effective user experience (such as by displaying goods We believe You will be interested in, based on Your use of the Website and browsing habits). This processing means that Your experience of the Website will be more tailored to You, and that the content You see on the Website may differ from someone accessing the same site with a different purchase history or browsing habits.

1.3.2 Optimise the Website: We also use various cookies to help Us improve the Website (more details are set out in Our Cookie policy), and share Your personal data with third party analytics and search engine providers that assist Us in the improvement and optimisation of the Website.

1.3.3 To administer the Website and help keep it secure.

1.3.4 Reviews: To publish Your review on both the HomeViews and Rightmove's Website and Platforms, and to share Your review with the developer for marketing purposes.

1.3.5 For internal operations: This includes troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes.

1.3.6 To provide customer services to You: We may also process Your personal data in order to provide various supporting customer services to You (such as where You contact Us with a question in connection the Service or the Website). If You do not provide Us with the personal data We request from You for customer services purposes, We may not be able to fully answer Your queries.

1.3.7 To process your property enquiries: Where You make an enquiry in respect of a listing published on Our Website (including through the listing page itself or via Our chat feature), passing on Your personal data to the relevant developer who can then contact You directly about Your enquiry;

1.3.8 If Our business is sold: We will transfer Your personal data to a third party: In the event that We sell or buy any business or assets, in which case We will disclose Your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets (at all times in accordance with data protection legislation); or if HomeViews or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by HomeViews about its customers will be one of the assets transferred to the purchaser. This is åto ensure Our business can be continued by a purchaser. If You object to Our use of Your personal data in this way, the relevant seller or buyer of Our business may not be able to provide services to You.

1.3.9 Third Parties: We may also share Your personal data with third parties or authorise third parties or categories of third parties to collect and process Your personal data on Our behalf, please see section 2 for more detail. Such processing may be necessary for example, to operate features of Our website or to facilitate the delivery of online advertising tailored to Your interests and verify You for being a verified resident. Third-party service providers have access to and may collect information only as needed to perform their functions and are not permitted to share or use the information for any other purpose.

1.4 Consent: We rely on Your consent to process Your personal data for the following purposes:

1.4.1 Non-essential cookies: Some web browsers incorporate a "Do Not Track" feature. Currently, as there is not yet an accepted industry standard for how to respond to Do Not Track signals, Our services, Website and Our platforms may not respond to such signals, however You can manage Your Cookie settings here.If You disable non-essential cookies, the Website may be less tailored to Your needs and preferences. Please see Our Cookie policy for further details of the cookies We use on the Website.

1.4.2 For direct marketing purposes where: You have opted in via the Website to receive direct marketing communications from Us and Rightmove, We will process Your personal data to provide You with direct marketing communications in line with the preferences You have provided' and/or You have opted in via the Website to receive direct marketing communications from third parties, We will process Your personal data by transferring it to the relevant third party.

You are not under any obligation to provide Us with Your personal data for direct marketing purposes, and You can withdraw Your consent to Your personal data being processed in this way at any time by contacting Us at with "Personal Data" in the subject line or, where relevant, by following the unsubscribe link in every direct marketing communication You receive from Us.

1.5 Legal Obligation: In certain circumstances We may also need to share Your personal data if We are under a duty to disclose or share personal data in order to comply with a legal obligation e.g. police, regulatory authority, law enforcement agencies etc.

2. Who We share personal data with

2.1 We may also share Your personal data with third parties or authorise third-parties or categories of third parties to collect and process Your personal data on Our behalf such as:

2.1.1 Suppliers who distribute surveys on Our behalf;

2.1.2 Suppliers who conduct business analytics;

2.1.3 Service providers who provide customer services on Our behalf;

2.1.4 Suppliers who provide information technology and office services, including software and website development, website hosting, management and evaluation, exchange and cross referencing;

2.1.5 Subcontractors, such as payment providers, as well as credit reference agencies for the purposes of assessing fraud, credit and/or security risks;

2.1.6 Companies that assist Us in Our marketing, advertising and promotional activities, including partnerships and teaming efforts with other companies whose products or services We think You might enjoy;

2.1.7 Identification verification provider, to verify You are a resident when You submit a review. This enables You to become a verified resident on Our Website. You can view their privacy policy here.

2.1.8 Analytics and search engine providers that assist Us in the improvement and optimisation of Our Website;

2.1.9 Rightmove Group to help provide the services; and

2.1.10 Dispute resolution agencies for the purposes of dealing with any complaints.

2.2 We may also be required to share Your personal data with the following third parties if We are under a duty to disclose or share Your personal data in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation or request.

2.2.1 HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities acting as processors or joint controllers based in the United Kingdom who require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances;

2.2.2 Police or other such regulatory authority as part of an investigation or otherwise for legal or regulatory purposes;

2.2.3 UK law enforcement agencies and third party security companies for the purposes of ensuring that We comply with the law and have adequate security measures in place; and

2.2.4 Personal data You have provided to HomeViews directly or We have collected about You or have been provided to Us from other sources, may be shared with fraud prevention agencies who will use it to prevent fraud and money-laundering and to verify Your identity. If fraud is detected, You could be refused certain services, finance, or employment. For further details of how Your information will be used by Rightmove and these fraud prevention agencies, and Your data protection rights can be found by visiting

3. Categories of information We collect from You

We will collect and process the following personal data:

3.1 Information You give Us: This is information about You that You give Us by filling in forms on the Website, or by corresponding with Us by phone, e-mail or otherwise. It includes (without limitation) information You provide when You register for a User account, post any User Content (as defined in Our Terms of use ) on the Website ,enter any competition, promotion or survey that We may run from time to time, and when You contact Us in relation to the Website. The information You give Us may include (without limitation) names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, ID for verification purposes, any other data You provide to Us when You correspond with Us, and any updates to such data You provide to Us from time to time.

3.2 Information We collect about You: With regard to each of Your visits to the Website We will automatically collect the following information:

3.2.1 Technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect Your computer to the internet, Your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, screen resolution, operating system and platform, and cookie data (as set out in Our Cookie policy); and

3.2.2 Information about Your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), clickstream to, through and from the Website (including date and time), page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs) and methods used to browse away from the page.

3.3 Information We receive from other sources: We may receive information about You when You use the Website, or when other Users post content relating to You. We are also working closely with third parties (including business partners, sub-contractors, advertising networks, analytics providers, hosting providers, verification partners, and search information providers) from whom We may also receive information about You.

3.4 We do not process any special categories of personal data, meaning personal data revealing:

3.4.1 Racial or ethnic origin;

3.4.2 Political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership;

3.4.3 Genetic or biometric data that uniquely identifies You;

3.4.4 data concerning Your health, sex life or sexual orientation; or

3.4.5 Data relating to criminal convictions or offences or related security measures.

4. Uses made of the personal data

4.1 We will combine the information You provide to Us with information We collect about You. We will use this information and the combined information for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information We receive).

4.2 You acknowledge that any personal data that You include in Your User Content will be made public on the Website. It is Your responsibility to ensure that You do not include in any content, any personal data or other information that You do not want to be made public.

5. Where We store personal data

5.1 The personal data that We collect from You may be transferred to and/or stored on servers located outside of the European Economic Area (the "EEA") including to the USA. It may be processed by staff operating outside of the EEA who work for Us or for one of Our suppliers. Further details on to whom Your personal data may be disclosed are set out in section 2; and

5.2 We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In particular, for any transfer of Your personal data made by Us to a location outside of the EEA We will use Standard Contractual Clauses and/or the UK-US Data Bridge for transfers to the United States of America.

6. Risks and how We keep Your personal data secure

The main risk of Our processing of Your personal data is if it is lost, stolen or misused. This could lead to Your personal data being in the hands of someone else who may use it fraudulently or make public information that You would prefer to keep private. For this reason, HomeViews is committed to protecting Your personal data from loss, theft and misuse. We take all reasonable precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of Your personal data, including through use of appropriate organisational and technical measures, such as using TLS with 2048-bit keys and encryption measures. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although We will do Our best to protect Your personal data, We cannot guarantee the security of Your data transmitted to Our websites. As such, You acknowledge and accept that We cannot guarantee the security of Your personal data transmitted to Our Website and that any such transmission is at Your own risk. Once We have received Your information, We will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access. Where We have given You (or where You have chosen) a password which enables You to access Your online account, You are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask You not to share a password with anyone and that You comply with the password requirements in Our Terms of use.

If you suspect Your personal data may have been breached, misused, or are concerned about the security of Your personal data please contact us on:

7. Period of storage

We will only retain Your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes We collected it for. The length of time We retain personal data depends on the purpose for which We collect and use it and/or as required to comply with applicable laws and to establish, exercise or defend Our legal rights.

8. Your rights under data protection laws

8.1 You can exercise any of Your rights by contacting Us at with "Personal Data Request" in the subject line:

8.1.1 Right of access – You have the right to receive confirmation as to whether Your personal data is being processed by Us, as well as various other information relating to Our use of Your personal data. You also have the right to access Your personal data which We are processing.

8.1.2 Right to rectification – You have the right to require Us to rectify any inaccurate personal data We hold about You. You also have the right to have incomplete personal data We hold about You completed, by providing a supplementary statement to Us.

8.1.3 Right to restriction – You have a right to ask Us to restrict the way that We process Your personal data in certain specific circumstances. You can ask Us for further information on these specific circumstances by contacting Us.

8.1.4 Right to data portability – You have the right to receive Your personal data in structured, standard machine readable format and the right to transmit such personal data to another controller.

8.1.5 Right to erasure – You have a right to ask Us to delete any personal data which We are holding about You in certain specific circumstances. You can ask Us for further information on these specific circumstances by contacting Us.

8.1.6 Right to stop marketing – You have a right to ask Us to stop using Your personal data for direct-marketing purposes. If You exercise this right, We will stop using Your personal data for this purpose.

8.1.7 Right to object: You have a right to ask Us to consider any valid objections which You have to Our use of Your personal data where We process Your personal data on the basis of Our or another person's legitimate interest. You may ask to Us stop using Your personal data for direct marketing and where We use Your personal data on the basis of Our, or another person's, legitimate interest.

8.2 We will consider all such requests and provide Our response within a reasonable period (and in any event within one month of Your request unless We tell You We are entitled to a longer period allowed by applicable law). Please note, however, that certain personal data may be exempt from such requests in certain circumstances; for example if We need to keep using the data to comply with Our own legal obligations or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.If an exception applies, We will tell You this when responding to Your request.

8.3 We will need to request specific information and identification documents (such as passport, driver's license, title deeds etc.) from You to help Us confirm Your identity before We can action any requests. This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it and to ensure We are only acting on the instructions of the data subject. We will delete this ID within 7 days of receiving it. We may also contact You to ask You for further information in relation to Your request to speed up Our response.

9. Children

You must be aged 18 or over to use Our Website and service. Our Website and service are not directed at children under the age of 18 and We do not knowingly collect any personal data from visitors in this age group.

If You are under the age of 18 and We learn that We have inadvertently obtained personal data from You from Our Website or from any other source, then We will delete that information as soon as possible.

Please contact Us at if You are aware that We may have inadvertently collected personal data from a child under the age of 18.

10. Your duty to inform Us of changes

It is important that the personal data We hold about You is accurate and current. Please keep Us informed if Your personal data changes during Your relationship with Us.

The Website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of third parties including Our partner networks and affiliates. If You follow a link to any of these websites, please note that You will leave the Website and these websites are then responsible for how they process Your personal data and should have their own privacy policies. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies or websites. Please check the privacy policies of these third party websites before You submit any personal data to them.

12. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Any changes We make to Our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate (e.g. where there is a significant change to the way that We will process Your personal data), notified to You by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to Our Privacy Policy and ensure that You keep the email address that You have registered with Us up to date.

13. Contact

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcomed and should be addressed to with "Privacy Policy" in the subject line.

In accordance with Article 77 of the General Data Protection Regulation, You may also make a complaint to the data protection regulator in the country where You usually live or work, or where an alleged infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation has taken place. In the UK, the data protection regulator is the Information Commissioner's Office. Please visit for more information. Alternatively, You may seek a remedy through the courts if You believe Your rights have been breached.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 02/09/2024